• Hello! I'm Brian Davis.

    I'm currently working as a Data Engineer.

  • My Experience.

    You can find information here regarding completed and ongoing projects I'm working on.

  • My Previous work

    Check out my Github to view my public repositories, or contact me by clicking here.

Who Am I .

An M.S. in Big Data Analytics alongside a Bachelors Graduate in Computer Science, I'm always looking for the next project to work on. I have completed a variety of projects throughout my time in education and industry, working alongside incredibly talented professionals in the industry of Data Engineering and Software Development.

Education .

I am a more mature student, who once decided to go into the world of work after college rather than attend University. My return to education saw me achieve things I didn't think possible, such as my Bachelors Degree with a 1st Class in Computer Science, alongside my Distinction at Masters level.

Sheffield Hallam University.

I completed my MSc in Big Data Analytics in October 2021, with the grade of Distinction. During this course I was taught the fundamentals skills required within Data Analytics, toward a functional background in Statistics and SAS. I also undertook modules in Project Management, Critical Writing and Python Programming, alongside working with my peers as the Course Representative.

University of Hull.

At the University of Hull, I graduated with a 1st class Bachelors degree with Honours. Here I worked on a variety of projects and assignments that allowed me to understand and learn the fundamentals skills needed to successfully solve problems in the computing world through efficient Programming. As someone with no programming background prior, I worked on the languages of C#, Python, SQL, Data Mining and Linux Based Systems.

Aarhus University.

In July 2019, I undertook a summer school in the Danish city of Aarhus. Throughout my time here I was taught the programming language of R to undertake advanced data mining and web scraping. Here I learnt the fundamentals practices needed to achieve understanding in Business Analytics. With the combination of a new environment and new culture, I embraced a new way of thinking which helped me to expand my knowledge and experience.

What Have I Been Working On .

My current focus is Cloud Engineering. Throughout my time in Education I have worked with Electronics, Database Systems, Systems Analysis & Design, Software Engineering and a spot of Web Design. This has led me to develop a broad skillset.

MSc in Big Data Analytics.

My Masters Degree involved subjects in the areas of Programming Concepts and Practice using Python, Advanced Data Managament Project using R and Tableau, Data Analytics: Tools and Techniques using SAS Enterprise Guide and Enterprise Miner, alongside a professional Masters level Dissertation project, which focused on Neural Machine Translation.

Bachelors Dissertation - Sentiment Analysis using Keras and Tensorflow.

During my final year at the University of Hull, I worked on my Honours Dissertation on the topic of Sentiment Analysis. With the combined use of Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Word Embeddings, training and classification of tweets is successfully implemented with good results. Variations in trainable data demonstrated that removal of stopwords, can have a negative effect on classification accuracy. Indexing and Tokenization are used effectively to feed data into Neural Networks. Results are evaluated based on data trained alongside different type of hidden layers across Recurrent Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks.

Python Programming - Intelligent Recommendation Service.

For my Masters Degree, I was tasked with developing a smart recommendation system that takes a Music Library and gives the user the ability to search for songs by word, artists by name and compare songs / artists by numerical IDs. Using the Metrics of Euclidean Distance, Manhattan Distance, Pearson Correlation, Cosine Similarity and Jaccard Similarity, the user is given the option to choose a suitable Metric and compare either two songs or two artists. This project is complete and uploaded to my GitHub. It includes added functionality to provide recommendations to a user based on an entered ID.

Data Analysis - Cardiovascular Legacy Medical Data.

As part of my 3rd year at the University of Hull, I worked on a project involving Legacy Medical Data Mining. Following the CRISP-DM methodology, the task here was to explore, define and work with Data to determine if it is possible to predict if a patient will be at risk or not based on the Data we have. This was done by creating a variety of Models in Data Science such as Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbours and Nueral Networks, tuning the hyper-parameters of these to suite the purpose.

SHU Development Process - Research Project.

Working as part of the ASERG-STELA group within SHU, The aim of this project was to design a software development process that can be “instantiated” into the different levels of Software Engineering and Computer Science courses. The core of this is a development process that uses a simplified software lifecycle. More information on this project can be found here. The document itself will be added soon.

SHU Student Voice Leader - Careers Connect Learning journeys/Digital.

More information regarding this project will be added soon. I was assigned to the Careers Connect Learning journeys/Digital project strand, working with the web development team to improve the digital journey for SHU students.